Vision & Mission 1 페이지

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Vision & Mission

Equal Social Integration of People with Disabilities (PwD)

To realize equal and full participation of PwD in society, and to promote the human rights of all PwD, KODAF is committed to the pursuit of solidarity and cooperation between Korea’s private and public sectors.

On an international level, in cooperation with the United Nations, KODAF works to achieve the same rights for PwD around the world.

KODAF continuously monitors and evaluates the implementation of Korea’s 1998 Charter of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. KODAF develops and recommends new policies and programs and works with the political system, parties and candidates to gain pledges to promote and protect the rights of PwD.

DPOs in the World

As a special consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, KODAF is taking a leading role to communicate information and advocate policies regarding disability issues in local, national and international arenas.

KODAF is also monitoring and evaluating the implementation of UNCRPD and SDGs as well as Incheon Strategy, which is rising as an international human rights and diplomatic issue.

Korea Differently Abled Federation   |   Address : (07236) 4Floor, E-ROOM Building, 22, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-783-0067   |   Fax : +82-2-783-0069   |   Email :
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